Steps for soil sampling

Steps for soil sampling

With the following ideas, we would like to help our farming partners who support targeted nutrient supply with soil testing.

Suggested Directions and Tools for Soil sampling:

During sampling, you must observe the following important rules:

  • An average sample can represent an area of up to ​​5 ha. If the plot area exceeds 5 ha, the plot should be divided into 5 ha, preferably homogeneous areas.
  • It is advisable to mark the sampling points on a 1: 10,000 scale map. In the absence of this, copies of the individual block maps can also be used.
  • On the map sheet, the locations of the sampling and the identification of the collected samples must be recorded.
  • The map must include the plot borders and the identifiers of the plots

The average sample should be taken from a uniform area, the same level, and with a uniform method.

  • For field crops, from the cultivated layer (0-30 cm) per plot, or from an area of up to 5 ha.
  • For pasture cultures, from 2 to 20 cm depth per plot, or from an area of up to 5 ha, for permanent crops 0-30 and 30-60 cm, and between 0-20 and 20-40 cm in case of berries.

The average sample consists of sub-samples. The more sub samples are used for average sample, the more accurate the results will be.

  • In the case of pastures, samples must be taken at minimum 30 spots, while in case of arable crops, at minimum 20 spots.
  • Take sub samples from the area to be sampled in zig-zag lines or along the two diagonals to represent the area as best as possible (Figure)


  • For field crops at the edge of the board in a 20-meter band, in the turning points/rotary sites*, at the location of the stacks of straw or at the site of fertilizer, soil improver and organic manure depots,
  • The OPTIMAL time for sampling is the period before the crop is harvested, even before fertilization, when the soil is cultivable.

You can also take a sample:

  • from the areas received basic fertilizers in the autumn, in the following year, after at least 100 days after fertilization
  • from the areas received fertilization in the spring, after harvest, but after at least 100 days from the last fertilization; in case of organic manure fertilization, after at least 6 months